Our greens are available at the following stores.

Green Bay on Broadway in Astoria

Green Bay on 30th Ave in Astoria

C-Town on 34th Ave in Astoria

Farm Country on 31st Ave in Astoria

Food Cellar in Long Island City

Roosevelt Island Farmers Market

For Roosevelt Island Delivery Click Here

Saturday morning from 8-12

Who We Are

John grew up in a rural environment and farmed until his late 20’s.  He and Maria have lived in Astoria for over 20 years and with the help of Alba, their long-time friend who prior to her 20 years in Astoria also worked her family farm in Columbia, have now expanded their indoor and outdoor gardening skills to a microgreen micro farm on the top floor of their house.

We are happy to contribute to Astoria's growing reputation as a dynamic and forward-moving neighborhood. 

Our Practices

The house and micro farm are powered by solar energy thanks to a great installation by Brooklyn Solar. 

We use organic practices, and no pesticides. Waste is recyclable or compostable.  Our retail packaging is recyclable or compostable. Our market is local.

Nutritional Value

Numerous studies have demonstrated that Microgreens have more vitamins and minerals than when the same vegetable is grown to maturity.  Microgreens are eaten fresh, so nothing is lost in cooking.  They are also very flexible and can be used on nearly any dish. Kids love them. Microgreen broccoli or boiled broccoli? Being nutritious is routed in vitamins and minerals getting into our bodies.

Sulforaphane is a chemical compound created in the human body during the digestion of Brassicas (Broccoli, Kale, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Mustard and other leafy vegetables).

Sulforaphane is effective in preventing and treating various cancers such as prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, skin, urinary bladder and oral cancers. Researchers have named it “Green chemoprevention.”

Numerous in vitro and in vivo studies demonstrated that Broccoli seedlings possess beneficial biological properties, including antioxidant, anticancer, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity and antidiabetic activities.

Brassica Microgreens contain up to 20 times the nutrients, including sulforaphane of their mature vegetables.